Saturday, March 26, 2011

Pesto Pizza with Roasted Garlic on Naan Bread

I was in a bit of a hurry making these, and didn't really want to bother with pizza dough, so I got a package of naan from market and went to town. I think it turned out pretty awesomely. I view pesto in a way that is nigh unto religious, so I don't think I really could have gone wrong here. I didn't use any sort of recipe for the pesto, so you'll have to do some estimating. TASTE TEST!

Bake pizzafor 10 minutes (or until cheese is melted and a little browned) at 350 degrees


2 bunches of fresh basil
parmesan cheese, grated
pressed garlic
olive oil

blend together until a fine paste is formed
if you have pine nuts, by all means add them!

Roasted Garlic:

Cut 2 whole heads garlic in half
brush center with olive oil
sprinkle on salt, pepper, oregano
bake for a half hour at 425 degrees


bell peppers
pressed garlic
onions, chopped
- saute all until a little carmelized

spread a little basil on each piece of naan
top with mozzarella
sprinkle on bell pepper mixture
top with roasted garlic and a little more cheese

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