Thursday, April 16, 2009

Carrot Cookies

The next half dozen or so recipes come as a consequence of going over copies my Aunt made of my grandma's fantastic recipes.  I took out some personal favorites and here you are.  When I was little, my mom used this particular recipes to barter for my older sister's piano lessons.  I always remember licking the icing off the cookies.  

bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes
Shred and cook until tender: 
2 c carrots

1 1/2 c butter
2 c sugar

Add and beat well:
2 eggs
the cooked carrots
1 t salt 
4 c flour 
2 t baking powder
2 t vanilla 
2 c nuts (or less, or not at all)
bake on a greased cookie sheet 
beat smooth:
1 grated orange rind
2 c powdered sugar
2 pinches salt 
2 T orange juice 

ice cookies while warm

1 comment:

  1. Ann! Post some new recipes. I actually really like this blog.

    Check this website out

    I like it.

    Also, I am going vegan for 10 days. Just for the exerience. Neat, right?

